
Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Punishment of Lying

Punishment Of Lying

Once upon a time there lived a son who continuously lied to e trulyone. He never told the lawfulness to anyone and never tried to speak the truth too. He always lied and troubled everyone in the village.
He could lie with such(prenominal) perfection that everyone in the village would f totally into his trap. One day, he told all his friends that it was his birthday and invited them to his birthday party at his tin. Everyone believed him and went to his house collectively with gifts moreover, on reaching his house, they came to know from his return that it was non his birthday. Everyone suddenly mum that they had been chumped by the little son. The people were very angry at the little boy as he had wasted their valuable time and fooled them. The boy too soundless that he had made a great mistake and in like manner that he could no longer fool the villagers with such episodic lies. He thus thought of another plan to fool the villagers again. He shouted and cried in the marketplace and called the villagers. He told them that his mother was very sick and persuaded them to help him take his mother to the hospital.

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The villagers hold to the request of the youngster and hurried to his house but on reaching, they saw that the childs mother was perfectly healthy. They understood that they had been fooled again by the little boy and scolded him severely for that. The boy understood his mistake and thus pledged to himself that he would not lie again. One day, the boy went to a river for swimming but while he was swimming, he was bitten by a snake. The boy shouted in pain and cried for help but all his efforts were in vain. No one came to save the little child assuming that the boy was lying again. The boy thus died imputable to the snake bite and his dead body sunk into the river. Thus, the tone of a liar boy ended due to his give birth mistakes and had to die a helpless death.If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Ordercustompaper.com

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