
Friday, February 8, 2013

Fishing Trip

Lost and Found: A friendship found on the Internet

terrycloth was sitting in his chair, at the computer pure(a) at the screen.
White t-shirt and boxers were all that he had on. His wife Jeannie had gone out, supposedly to get a a hardly a(prenominal)(prenominal) things from the store. He looked up at the clock, 11:00 pm was what the worn-out out, old cuckoo clock said. 5 hours! She had been gone 5 hrs! How long does it take to a few things from the store, he asked himself desperately.
Since his accident things hadnt been the same, the passion, excitement and interest had somehow disappeared like a rainbow after a rain storm. One minute it was there, the adjoining it was gone. Jeannie was gone more than usual, leaving him alone and troubled. She always treasured to go shopping with money they didnt have. With an ache in his heart and a yearning in his soul, he knew things were in for a dramatic change. 11:30 pm, Jeannie still wasnt home, so he decided to go through with it. Terry had been staring at his pc screen, contemplating going to a tittle-tattle room. His blank expression made him look like a statue in some corner of a museum.
A few clicks of his mouse and he was in. Empty profiles, cold unfriendly faces were what he saw. The voices and words on the screen were just a blur. He scrolled down through the list, deliberately looking through the profiles.

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He wasnt expecting to find anyone. Throughout his marriage Terry had interpreted care of his family. Cooking, cleaning, paying the bills and watching his kids grow up. He provided the furnish and made sure they had clothes on their backs. That was never teeming for Jeannie. She wanted more, and when he wasnt able to do more, she toss him without a second thought. He was a very lovingness and trusting man, who would do anything to make someone happy.
Since the accident, he was lost, alienated and alone. Just then as he scrolled down the list, a name jumped out at him. Instinctively he clicked on it, as if he had just won the lottery! It was a woman. She...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Ordercustompaper.com

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