
Friday, February 8, 2013


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Film spectator pump Opinion

July 5, 2012

Film Viewer Opinion
Most frivol aways I choose to watch involve Aliens, Superheros, governing conspiracies or love stories. The photographic film must be a high quality (high calculate) film, otherwise the bad graphics allow un-interest me. The only exception to viewing a low budget film is if I am told about it and it sounds interesting, for example; the icon Aftershock, this film is not matchless I would move over picked on my experience but because it was recommended by someone I entertain with on films, I watched it despite the director, actors, producers or quality and I enjoyed it (although lengthy). Often the actors determine my interest in a film as well. The Critics reviews never influence my decision in ceremonial a movie because I have found that, I never agree with the critics reviews. I suddenly enjoyed John Carter which got bad reviews and lost money but I absolutely hated Prometheus and that movie received great reviews.
In my opinion, a film must have great graphics, plausible actors and must be a great story that makes genius and answers all questions asked.

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The movie Prometheus had awesome graphics but as far as the plot that movie deserved a zero; I felt that the movie asked many questions and never answered them. I enjoy movies with comedy and action without overdoing one or the other. The films I enjoy most are the ones that inspire one to open their mind to new ideas. The graphics do have a major impact on my decision to view a movie but I would prefer a great story with bad graphics over a bad story with great graphics any day.
I mentioned before that a movie must answer its own questions in order for me to enjoy it; otherwise that is what makes a movie unenjoyably for me. I absolutely hate movies that have cliff-hanging ends. essentially bad stories equal disappointed me.If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Ordercustompaper.com

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