
Friday, February 8, 2013

For The Love

The Things They Carried
My Take On Things
By Jodi Massie

T equal of Contents



Enemies & Friends5

The Dentist6

Part 2

On The Rainy River (My Hard last Piece)

How To Tell A War Story

Speaking Of heroism


My interpretation of Jimmy and Marthas relationship is that in that location wasnt a relationship at all. I feel that the more he forced a relationship with her the more he pushed her away. He wanted there to be more than there actually was. But didnt make his move because he knew she was opposed to it.
While at contend he accomplished what could have been if only he told her how he felt. Things could have been different-Maybe! The reunification between the two unfolded the reality of their relationship and its biased love. She was scared. They didnt feel the same way about eachother. The love he had for her, which, otherwise would have been sweet turned into something stalker-like and creepy. Not to come to that all he could think about was what would have happened if he would have just touched her knee that night in the movies.

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I think this chapter was emphasizing the fact that war stories an memories wear downt always have to be bad. Although they often are. And not that easy to get over also. Literally putting a spin on things, Tim OBrien begins sharing stories that his fellow soldiers told him. utter stories about the good times they shared, in an effort to not having the same predictable war stories. He showed the lighter berth of things. The end of this chapter explains how although it was over 20 years ago, remembering makes it this instant. Meaning regardless of how long ago it was, just thought about those events makes it seem so recent, thats how fresh the war is still in his mind.

Enemies & Friends

The only connection I was able to identify in the two chapters...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Ordercustompaper.com

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