
Friday, February 8, 2013

How to Protect the Environment

How to Protect The Environment
A very good morning to our ripe respectable lecturer, Miss Zakiah bt Abd Wahab and my fellow friends. Today, I would like to blab about How to Protect the Environment.

Nowadays, we live in a global consumer society. People across the world purchase, use, and dispose a huge variety of products which make our lives easier and more comfortable. However, the result of this is colossal damage to our environment. There are some ways we raft do in order to protect the environment.

Dear audience,
first gear of all, every one of us git start by not littering. We should throw our rubbish into the rubbish bin kinda of anywhere we like. Once I went strolling at a set nearby my house but was I was disappointed at the sight of rubbish. I saw many empty cans and pliable wrappers lying around. They do not only spoil the stunning park but they are the best breeding localize for AEDES mosquitoes.
Another way of protecting our environment is by keeping our rivers clean. We can play our role by not throwing rubbish into the rivers. Meanwhile, the factories can stop dumping their cyanogenic bobble into them. Plastic wrappers which made up 80% of the rubbish can endanger the fish and other aquatic lives while toxic waste can kill them.

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We, human will therefore receive as we rely on the rivers for food and water.
Moreover, farmers should forfend open burning in their farming practice because it pollutes the air. bold burning can lead to haze which contains poisonous gases such(prenominal) as carbon dioxide and sulphur dioxide. These gases can cause many serious diseases. Children who breathe the polluted air may survive from asthma and some people may even suffer from rashes and eye-diseases.
Finally, we can practise the 3R; Reuse, Reduce and Recycle. Every household should force back at reducing the amount of rubbish thrown. To achieve this aim, apiece member of the household can refuse plastic carriers when he goes shopping. We can bring a recyclable carrier or a...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Ordercustompaper.com

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