
Friday, February 8, 2013

How I Roll.

Sure, the 5-K is friendly, the 10-K classic, and the half-marathon a self-esteem pumping keen-sighted distance race. But none of these has the cachet that is the marathons alone. From the time you block your first shorter race, the specter of the 26.2-mile full Monty hovers in your mind. Something that one day you indispensability to do. Have to do. leave behind do.

Why? Because, like Everest, the marathon is there. Because it gives the ordinary person an prospect to do manything extraordinary. And for those who ache finished a marathon, and now want to race one, well, were here for you, too.

So, ready to commit to your first finish or your fastest time? Good. Then read through our three runner profiles, figure out which of our plans fits you best, go to the matching 16-week schedule--and get going.

Schedule Tips

Beginner Youve run 15 to 20 miles a week for at least six months, accomplished a 5-K or 10-K--perhaps even something longer. You can run quint or six miles without collapsing afterward and want to gradually start a stronger runner able to finish your first marathon, in the words of Portland, Oregon, coach Bob Williams, feeling good and enkindle to run another one in six months.

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Your intent Surprise, youre going to train just three to four age a week and gradually increase your weekly gas mileage from around 15 to 35-plus miles a week. The biggest key of all give be to gradually increase your mileage, especially that of your weekend long run. The beginner needs to focus almost entirely on the long run, says Anaerobic Management coach Jon Sinclair (anaerobic.net), but its as well as good to throw in a little hillwork and some aerobic intervals on alternate weeks to bolster your stamina and to reanimate up your training. Lastly, were going to have you running two quiet races to get the feel of competition before the big day.

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