
Friday, February 8, 2013

General Notes For Science

ribosea five carbon sugar
4 nitrogen bases engraft in ribonucleic acidadenine, uracil, guanine, cytosine
t ribonucleic acidsingle shore ribonucleic acid in a t shape
r RNAglobular;joins with proteins to make up ribosomes
mRNAsingle stranded, or so abundant type of RNA
Transcriptionthe bear upon of making a complimentary strand of RNA from entropy stored in the substructure sequences of desoxyribonucleic acid
RNA polymerasean enzyme that unwinds and unzips the DNA
promoterthe RNA polymerse binds to the DNA at this commit where the signal begins or starts
Stop sequence on the DNAtransciption get out continue util the RNA polymerase reaches this point
FalseAll the RNA that is transcribe actually ends up being functional
Intronsparts that be removed when the pre-RNA is edited because they are non functional units. Int stands for intervening
exonsthe part of RNA that gets put back together and will get expressed.

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ex stands for expressed
DNARNA takes information stored in the ____
ProteinRNA takes information from the DNA and translates it to a _____
ingredienttic codeinformation of an existence found in the arrangement of nucleotides in mRNA
heart originally translation begins, all 3 forms of RNA are transcribed in this location of the cell
nuclear poresthe RNA exits the nucleus afterwards translation thru what structure
Attachement to ribosometranslation begins with messenger RNA leaving the nucleus and attaching to this structure in the cell
codonscode for the amino acids and are carried by the mRNA
transfer RNAonce attached to the ribosomes, this RNA will go out and get the amino acids coded by the m RNA
anticodontRNA contains the complimenary 3 base sequence to the condon which is called the ___
Protein synthesisprocess whereby DNA encodes for the production of amino acids and proteins
Transcription and Translationthe ii parts of protein synthesis
RNA polymerasetranslation begins when this enzyme binds to the beginning of a gene on a region of DNA called a promoter
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