
Friday, February 8, 2013

Enerrgy and Civilzation

Energy plays a fundamental role in constitution the human condition. Peoples need for aught is essential for survival, so it is not surprising that cogency production and consumption are most of the most important activities of human life. Indeed, it has been argued that competency is the key to the assert of shade, that the evolution of human societies is dependent on the conversion of dexterity for human use.1 Few people have collectioned the long-held assumption that bill of living and quality of civilization are proportional to the amount of money of energy a society uses. However imprecise it whitethorn be, most people still accept the steadfast rule: energy=progress=civilization.2
The widespread belief that energy and civilization are inextricably linked certainly has historical foundation. throughout history, humans have focused on controlling the energy stores and flows that are part of nature. For tens of thousands of years, people relied solely on the chemical (caloric) energy gained from food that produced the mechanical (kinetic) energy of working muscles. however thanks to human intellect, people were able to unlock and curb physical limits imposed on their own muscle post by using tools and harnessing the energies outside their own bodies.

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The earliest energy tools were those used to hunt animals, harvest edible plants, catch slant and fowl, and process and transport foodstuffs. Most of the family structures, societal groupings, and political and stinting institutions created over thousands of years focused primarily on the extraction, processing, exchange, and selling of food, as well as of fossil and organic energy sources (wood, peat, coal) ... used ... for heating, cooking, lighting, or for firing the kilns and furnaces used in smelting ores.4 The vast array of unique human cultures absorbed the quest for these basic energy resources into the widest range of human activitiesâ€"rituals, festivals, taboos, myth, dance, games, religion, language, art,...If you want to limit a full essay, order it on our website: Ordercustompaper.com

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