
Thursday, February 7, 2013



Its a warm summer day, Im out river rafting with my family. When suddenly I see a gravid piece of garbage floating down beside us. My father picks it up and puts it in the boat. I think to myself, what go away the Skeena pissshed tactual sensation like in 50 years if this continues??

The Skeena River located in B.C Canada is one of few clean watersheds. It is home to many an(prenominal) plants, animals and homosexuals. The Skeena River has many species of slant. The slant are a major part of our eco-system. Bears device the fish, eat about half of it and then leave. The remaining fish attracts many other animals like eagles and small animals to finish the meal. What is non eaten then decays into the earth creating a fertilizer for the plants and trees. The plants are a source of food for animals. The trees make cleaner air to breathing space for people and animals. If we pollute the river, more fish will die. If the fish die the bears wont have any food, which leaves no scraps for scavengers, which leaves no carcass to decay and nourish the plants. This will lead to the extinction of the wonderful wildlife, plant life and human life on our Skeena River. We must protect our river because our survival depends on it.

Kids who bewilder up in cities with concrete and TV and computers grow up without knowing nature or wilderness.

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They taket know what beauty the forests and rivers are, because theyve never seen it. They have never smelled the enjoyable scent of spring or felt the cool water on their toes. It is up us to help them understand that if they dont help protect our nature it will mend them in the future. The damage of littering in nature must be taught.

Logging is one of the major industries in our area. Past put down practises led to fish habitat loss. Clear crude (a take a leak of logging, which had no protection for the environment) damaged streams and rivers. An example of the dangers of clear cutting happened this spring with a mountain slide on path 16 on the way...If you want to get a bounteous essay, order it on our website: Ordercustompaper.com

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