
Thursday, February 7, 2013


2011 - 2012 Career and Technical Programs Computer Information Technology part 541.463.5826 lanecc.edu

Computer Specialist
One-Year Certi?cate of Completion Program

Purpose To prepare specialists in the use of reckoner information systems. Specialists use a computers capabilities as a problem-solving tool for positions that require end-user cognition of computer hardware, software, and operating procedures. Learning Outcomes

Program Lead Ron Little, Bldg. 19, live 156, 541.463.5464, littler@lanecc.edu Note The curriculum for the Computer Specialist credentials is known as the CIT Core. These courses provide a solid inception in information technology. The number 1-year curriculum for the Computer computer programing and Computer Net work up Operations degrees share these core courses. This subject matter that students pursuing either of these degrees may change their degree goals during the first year with very little extra course work required. Fall CIS 100 Computing Careers Exploration D,G ....................... 2 4 CIS 102 Problem Solving with Computers D,G .................... 3 CIS 195 Web Authoring 1 D,G................................................. 4 CIS 140 Operating Systems: Managing Windows D,G ........ WR 121 Introduction to Academic Writing * ........................

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4 ________ Total Credits 17 Winter 2 blind 288 Introduction to Web Design D,G ............................. CIS 125D Software Tools 1: Databases D,G ........................... 4 4 CS 179 Introduction to Computer Networks *,D,G ............... Choice of: .............................................................................. 4 CS 133C# send-off Programming: C# *,D,G ET 287 Microcomputer computer hardware D,G ________ Total Credits 14 Spring CS 133JS Beginning Programming JavaScript *,D,G .......... 4 CG 203 Human Relations at lean ....................................... 3 Choice of:................................................................................ 4 CIS 227N Systems...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Ordercustompaper.com

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