
Thursday, December 6, 2012

Julius Caesar (Superstisions Analysis)

Destiny is non a consider of chance, it is a matter of choice, proclaimed William Jennings Bryan. Many people believe in fatality and fate and a set-in-st wiz, unbreakable path for their lives. Caesars ego warps and distorts his variant of various superstitions in Shakespeares play, Julius Caesar. Although he believes in superstition and the supernatural, he selectively chooses his interpretation. Be it a dream, fortune-telling, or a commonalty superstition, it always benefits Caesar, or it just isnt true. Caesars distorted sense of self-superiority last leads to his assassination. If he had listened to some of the ?signs of the gods, his tragic fate may cede been avoided. Caesar believes in some sort of fate and ultimate destiny. He believes that there is no escaping what ?the gods have in store. What can be avoided, whose ends is purposed by the might gods? (Shakespeare, pg.. 77) says Caesar when he has to make a finding about going to the forum or not. His belief in fate sometimes contradicts his belief in superstition. On atomic number 53 hand, he states that no end can be avoided, and on another, he asks Antony to touch his wife for fertility, as if without Antony, that event would not be fated. His large ego blinds him from seeing the contradiction of his convictions.
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He also states, It seems to me most strange that men should fear, seeing that death, a necessary end, Will come when it will come. (Shakespeare, pg. 77) He believes that ones fate is unavoidable.Caesars behavior changes whenever a superstition could benefit him. entrust not in your speed Antonius, to touch Calphurnia. For our elders say, the barren, touched in this holy chase, shake off their sterile curse. (Shakespeare, pg. 13) To try and exempt his wife of the ?sterile curse Caesar instructs Antony to touch her while he runs. Because this particular belief may benefit him and his family, Caesar accepts it as truth. Caesars response to Calphurnias nightmare of a fountain of Caesar... If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Ordercustompaper.com

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