
Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Saint Augustine’s View on Sexuality Essay -- Religion

Saint Augustines View on Sexuality The historied bishop of Hippo, St. Augustine, is claimed as a cornerstone of Christian theology by both Catholics and Protestants. Many of his views are regarded by Christians as authoritative interpretations of the Bible because they have withstood alter debate throughout the centuries. Christians ought to ask, however, whether such allegiance is justifiable in all cases. Augustines idea of sex after matrimony, for example, is very narrow, restricting actions and emotions married Christians today contend part of the beauty of intercourse. A logical assertion then, is that Augustines view of sexuality, as delineated in many writings, is a response to his life of sensuality antecedent to salvation therefore, his idea about the intent for sex within marriage stems more from his former sin than from Biblical perspective. St. Augustines sordid lifestyle as a young man, revealed in Confessions, serves as a logical explanation for his limited v iew of the purpose of sexuality in marriage. His life from adolescence to age thirty-one was so united to passionate desire and sensual pleasure, that he later avoided approval of such emotions even within the sanctity of holy union. From the age of sixteen until he was freed of promiscuity fifteen years later, Augustines life was woven with a growing desire for illicit acts, until that desire finally became necessity and controlled his will. His lust for sex began in the bath houses of Tagaste, where he was idle without schooling and was tossed aboutand boiling over infornications (2.2). Also during that time, young Augustine displayed his preoccupation with sexual experience by fabricating vulgarities plainly to impress his peers. In descript... ...Anderson, Douglas L., ed. Augustine. Nashville Broadman Press, 1979.Augustine. The Confessions of St. Augustine Books I-X. Trans. F.J. Sheed. New York Sheed & Ward, 1942.Babcock, William S., ed. The Ethics of St. Augustine. Atlanta Sc holars P, 1991.Battenhouse, Roy W., ed. A Companion to the Study of St. Augustine. Grand RapidsBaker,1955.Halsall, Paul. St. Augustine From On Marriage and Concupiscence. Internet MedievalSource Book. Oct. 1998. 3 Nov. 2000 <http//www.fordham.edu/halsall/source/aug-marr.html.Hooker, Richard. Early Christianity Augustine. 6 Jun. 1999. 3 Nov. 2000<http//www.wsu.edu8080/dee/CHRIST/AUG.HTM.Oates, Whitney J., ed. Basic Writings of Saint Augustine. 1948. 2 vols. Grand RapidsBaker, 1980.Rist, John M. Augustine Ancient Thought Baptized. New York Cambridge University Press, 1994.

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