
Tuesday, February 12, 2013


University of Phoenix Material

Sustain superpower Problems

The MTH/208 Week Five Learning Team assigning requires each(prenominal) team to select a scenario and explain how algebraic concepts underlie sustainable environmental, business, or charitable health practices.

innovation of Sustainability

Sustainability may broadly be defined as the ability of any system to sustain itself. Sustainability principles can apply to many an(prenominal) areas, including human health, finances, and the environment. The following are details about how sustainability may be applied to environmental science, business, and human health practices for the purposes of this appointee:

Health practices focus on the ability of a human body to sustain itself. Such things as the intake of fodder versus the output of energy are part of this equilibrium. Current medical exam knowledge and practices also play into the equilibrium of the human body. The sacred scripture sustainability could be used as another word for equilibrium.

If you need this scenario, here is a list of problems from the text that address health sustainability. You can refer to this list for ideas for your presentation. Vary your selections so that each problem addresses a different math concept.

o voice 1.2, Exercises, problem 139 (Adult Smokers)
o fragment 1.6, Exercises, problem 107 (Uninsured Americans)
o Ch.

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1, critique Exercises, problem 135 (Aging in the United States)
o naval division 2.3, Exercises, problem 61 (AIDS Deaths)
o fragment 2.5, Exercises, problem cxxv (Life Expectancy)
o Chapter 2 Test, problem 23 (Medical Malpractice)
o section 8.2, Exercises, problem 109 (Weight Lifting)
o Section 3.1, Exercises, problem 47
o Section 3.4, Exercises, problem 91 (Older Mothers)
o Section 3.6, Exercises, problem 69 (HIV Infection Rates)
o Ch. 3, Review Exercises, problem 107 (Deaths from Pneumonia)
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