
Monday, February 11, 2013

My Challenges

My Challenges
Throughout these past four years, my high school life history has been controlled by three difficulties. These difficulties although proven to be challenging, I was capable to overcome them and am now able to move on with my high school career in order to poke out my ultimate goal of graduating. These three difficulties that I have approach and are still facing today are mathss cast, AP U.S History, and procrastinating.
In my junior year of high school I decided to take the class of AP U.S History. Although I knew this class would be hard I chose to take the plunge. Unfortunately I regretted it. The class is taught by Mr. Schaefer, who is a wonderful teacher and teaches the hooey real well, but the homework load proved to be quite an heavy and the tests were difficult. However, I managed to survive the class and pulled clear up a B finished constant studying. I was forced congeal much effort into my homework which consisted of handouts, dreadful outlines, and reading assignments. I also had to study for the tests which were dreadful as well. I study for at least two hours every night a couple hours ahead of the actual test date. Even with this come in of studying I still only managed to pull off average test scores. Even though AP U.S history proved to be difficult class, I still enjoyed learning the material and from Mr.

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An different challenge that I have faced passim my high school career is going through my math classes every year. I have never been the best learner when it comes to math class and I have to put forward more effort than I do in my other subjects. ?
During high school I have taken Geometry, Algebra II, FST, and Im currently in PDM. Among these math classes FST proved to be the most difficult. When it comes to my math classes, I have to take proficient notes and go through constant repetition of the math problems so I can remember on how to work through the different problems. I first write down the fashion model problems then while Im working on my...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Ordercustompaper.com

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