
Friday, February 8, 2013

Etma 5

Lay Magistrates
Within the English Legal System, the vast majority of criminal cases ar dealt with by magistrates. All criminal cases impart start in the Magistrates hook, with around one million cases per grade being hear by lay magistrates.
Lay magistrates (or Justices of Peace, as they be also known), are topical anesthetic people who extend their services. They dont have any formal well-grounded qualifications but they are chosen with regard to their local knowledge. They pattern in the magistrates court as a bench of deuce or three magistrates. While lay magistrates dont have legal training, they do have to meet few requirements with regards to their character. Lay magistrates must be able to meet the criteria do turn out by the Lord Chancellor in 1998, which are known as the six key qualities and include legal character, understanding and communication, social awareness, maturity and sound temperament, sound judgement, and dedication and reliability. As lay magistrates deal with over 98% of each criminal matters they are seen as the work horses of the criminal arbiter system, and these qualities are very important.
As lay magistrates come from the local area they pass on have local knowledge which may help them to make fairer decisions in court.

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For many, this is seen as an advantage, as they will know and understand the local social climate. However, it could also be seen as a disadvantage as the lay magistrates may know or be known to the parties in the court which could lead to time being wasted while sweet magistrates were called to hear the case, or the case was moved to a antithetical court room.
As all criminal cases start out in the Magistrates flirt, and will only be transferred to Crown Court if the lay magistrates feel that it is too serious to be heard in Magistrates Court only the less serious cases are heard in the Magistrates Court. These can be for example burglary, theft, and intervention stolen goods. Lay magistrates have the power to impose prison...If you want to encounter a full essay, order it on our website: Ordercustompaper.com

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