Net exports almost twofold to stand at a new landmark of AED113bn in 2005 up from AED56 .9bn in 2004 . Exports , boosted by high oil prices grew by 26 .9 , and a consequent increase in disposable income and high private consumption resulted in imports growing at a rate of 12 .2 (Al Bawaba , 2007 From the Global enthronization fellowship s forward-looking approach , we expect economic growth to dwell buoyant for both 2006 and 2007 . According to Abu Dhabi Chamber of Commerce , GDP is estimated to grow by 14 for 2006 to reach AED553 .4bn while in real terms the economy is estimated to score 9 .7 growth rate . both oil and non-oil sectors are to continuously rising for the medium term . supporting(a) these prospects are the large-scale real estate and radix projects to infix in the next period toward 2010 that are already in the pipeline as a part of each emirate s economic diversification strategy . As for the oil sector , prices are expected to quell high and plans to expand aptitude in the oil sector will result in higher production . We expect manufacturing and trade to continue growing at high rates , in turn holding the overall economic growth straightforward . Spending in capital-intensive industries , peculiarly petrochemicals and gas would sustain the economy in the long term . Finally , both the current account and overall fiscal surpluses are expected to remain sanguine (Al Bawaba , 2007UAE has been one of the most productive and open Arab region particularly given the country s access to WTO and Trade and Investment Foreign compact (TIFA . In 2004 , UAE explored a Free Trade Agreement with the United States of America paving way for further trade liberalization and foreign direct investments to pour into the countryAbu Dhabi , The superior of UAE : Looking ForwardAccording to the contrive Abu Dhabi 2030 set by Urban anatomical grammatical construction Framework forge , an phrase picture for the country was visualised to be as an environmentally , socially and economically progressive community with an increasingly essential National capital (UAEinteract .com , 2007 . It aims to step forward in victorious advantage of various economic opportunities at hand without compromise the best of the city , at the same time , injecting new elements to make Abu Dhabi a truly global city (UAEinteract .com , 2007Abu Dhabi will see a strong demand for residential properties across all sectors of the market as the population grows . after political and service sectors will result to a steady increase in the proportion of white collar workers . With this growth in demand , service sectors such as the hospitality industry will also have to bump up their supply in hotel rooms that will be vital ingredients in accommodating both business and leisure guests to Abu Dhabi . In fact , hotel rooms are intercommunicate to rise from 10 ,000 in 2007 to 21 ,000 , 49 ,000 and 74 ,000 by 2013 , 2020 and 2030 on an individual basis (UAEinteract .com , 2007 . With the growing number of tourist arrivals which is seen to go up to 7 .9 million by 2030While Abu Dhabi s economy will remain strongly influenced by the postcode sector , growth in government , institution and service sector employment will lead to increasing demand for office space as the market matures The industrial sector will grow with the elaborateness and move of the port area , combined with the evolution of a significant industrial geographical zone in close proximity to the new port (UAEinteract .com , 2007Another primary priority of the Abu Dhabi Government is leaned towards the education policy in to put out the highest quality comprehensive system of education that promotes international standards and expertness to all educational levels and secure them with high merits of recognition . presently , UAE has 236 schools (UAEinteract .com , 2007Significant ripenings are also on its way for health wish well in UAE Increasing force and ensuring world-class standards across this sector are priorities aimed at in the envision . This involves genteelness the number of healthcare institutions and the development of existing hospital facilities . UAE s healthcare system is now focusing even more on inveterate disease management and lifestyle illness development (Bener 1998Recreational plans are also integrated into the Abu Dhabi Plan for 2030 Golf development is set to be part of a number of reparation development areas , including the construction of courses that will aid boost golf-related tourism to Abu Dhabi . With the lifestyle of playing golf increasing in number in the region , it continues to serve to increase the worth and popularity of lodging and apply real estate , despite the expensive building and operating(a) costs of such creature comforts in the UAE This being the case , the level of supply may continue to remain relatively unpretentiousUAE and e-commerceWith the vast surge of economic growth of the UAE , businesses and large firms appropriate their attention to globalization in to catch up with the demands of the society and the international realm . One expedient process is through e-commerce . From Businessmaktoob .com , a new Arab Advisors base conducted a major keep abreast of HYPERLINK http /business .maktoob .com /Report-668-UAE_profit_users_sp ent_over_US_1_15_billion_in_B2C_e_commerce_over_the_past_12_months .aspx t _new network users in the UAE revealing square adoption of e-commerce in the affluent and well-off economy . An optimistic rate of 51 .2 of cyberspace users in the UAE reported buy products and HYPERLINK http /business .maktoob .com /Report-668-UAE_ profits_users_sp ent_over_US_1_15_billion_in_B2C_e_commerce_over_the_past_12_months .aspx t _new operate online and through their wandering handsets over the past 12 months . From the look into findings , the group estimates e-commerce users in the UAE to transcend 1 .16 million consumers who have spent over US 1 .15 billion over the past 12 months (Businessmaktoob .com , 2007Recently , on September 7 , 2007 , a new major deal of the Internet users in the UAE , was reason by the Arab Advisors Group . The look covered the Internet wont patterns , e commerce and cellular practice session and habits of the Internet users (Businessmaktoob .com , 2007 . With the booming economy of the UAE , its escalating population and wide adoption of HYPERLINK http /business .maktoob .com /Report-668-UAE_Internet_users_sp ent_over_US_1_15_billion_in_B2C_e_commerce_over_the_past_12_months .aspx t _new Internet , provide an ideal context for a thriving e-commerce scene . The analyse revealed a massive size for B2C e-commerce in the country . This opens up further opportunities for global and regional e-commerce players to tap into this growing market - state by Mr . Jawad Abbassi , reveal and global Manager of Arab Advisors Group (Businessmaktoob .com , 2007The survey was conducted by having answerers receive an electronic get away shot in their inbox to ask them to fill the survey . The online survey generated replies from 1 ,108 responders , which was delivered across on the general Internet population , including both genders and all age groups in the UAE . The online survey yields a confidence level of 99 with a moulding of delusion of less than 3 (Businessmaktoob .com , 2007Mr . Hussam Barhoush , Arab Advisors research analyst noted in the survey report that the majority of UAE e-commerce users make their earningss through echt mention cards with an 83 .8 e-commerce users reported Following credit cards , 31 .7 of e-commerce users reported using bank account transfers for their payments (Businessmaktoob .com , 2007The survey questionnaire was composed of two main sections Telecommunications and InternetTelecommunicationsCellular subscriptions3G Cellular servicesInternetInternet usage trendsInternet subscriptionInternet usageHYPERLINK http /business .maktoob .com /Report-668-UAE_Internet_users_sp ent_over_US_1_15_billion_in_B2C_e_commerce_over_the_past_12_months .aspx t _new Internet access methods and costsInternet user s sociability on the InternetE-commerceE-Banking and E-Government servicesUAE Market AnalysisIssues and ChallengesGiven the personality of the Arab world , what are its predominant features that may pose as some challenges in the eye of a marketing manager These may be in the form of environmental issues or political restrictions . Some areas of concern may be as followsConservative genius of the globe , especially with regard to its preponderant Islam religionSustainability of the rapidly growing economyOpenness of the society to change and diversification of lifestyle and product offeringsPolitical and security dilemmas andReadiness to scotch itself to a multi-cultural societyThese are just to name a few of the presidency issues and challenges in UAE that should be taken into consideration when communication or speaking with the Arabian community . With the threats or circumstances to be dealt with , it is also necessary to poise it off with a set of opportunities for growth and developmentOpportunitiesGrowing economy and high level of FDIKeen interest of the human beings for educationRecognition of the government of Non-Muslim religionsHigh usage pattern of e-commerce in the societyBooming real estate industryGrowing demand on the healthcare systemKey Customer SegmentsWhen identifying the high-yield customer segments in the UAE , the equivalent or corresponding market positioning should also be determined . In so doing , the appropriate marketing strategies will be carried out and implemented accordinglyYouthSkilled professionalsThe exceedingly-mobile female individualsSmall but affluent family householdsThe business-savvy individualsMarketing Ethics in UAEThe working morals in any given society remains to be a major priority in any form of legal proceeding or dialogues . It displays mutual respect and understanding of all parties involved for establishing trust and confidenceIn the UAE , ethical dialog practices are deemed extremely significant and are bases for credibility in the industry . When undergoing business ventures based partnerships , the main criterion lies on one s reputation and past behaviors towards other business dealingsThis form of relationship marketing is highly respected in the UAE especially when pertaining to B-B undertakings . It should also be given some attention as to what is the validity of UAE s ethical considerations versus the universal applications , for what is true in a given society may not always be correct for the rest of the worldUAE s prevailing emphasis on trust as natural covert and final is to be regarded as an established practice in the Arab region , more so if you are a foreigner in their land . This trust-based trade has proven to be the most effective and efficient negotiation process in the region It serves as the backbone of the majority of their trade dealings and contracts . In addition , it is the most powerful factor in web building and rapport sweetener . Should you be black-listed in the trade or non-trade sector , it may take a while for you to recover given the humans s high inclination to one s reputation . Finally , work ethics is also seen as an investment - of time , effort , research resources , manpower and infrastructure . It is not solely based on monetary terms , but on the relationship that will build empires and the like Research MethodologyThe adaptation of a research study entails evaluating the future(a) components , as followsSample characteristicsMethod of Hypothesis TestingContents of the QuestionnaireSize or number of respondersIn the process of the marketing research , what are the facets of the key market segments that should be discussed or tapped intomacro environmental dimensionattitudinal dimensionlifestyle dimensionTo palingenesis , our main objective is to determine which communication channel will work best in the UAE given the market pro , trends , issues challenges and nature spending behaviours . In this study , we will be assessing various types of communication channel or media , including traditional mass media like television , mail and communicate , as well as new digital media . sign comparisons such as the pursual will serve to measure the relevance of the studyTo compare legion(predicate) a(prenominal) old and new media channels in terms of a range of attributes suchas embraced reliability , trustworthiness and convenienceTo compare the relative effectiveness of various communication channels in termsof how a marketing scheme is evaluated by a recipient . That is , are some channelsbetter than others at acquiring communication recipients to consider wonder or actupon a promotional offer ? Are some channels more appropriate depending on the typeof promotionPrevious studies are limited in that they look at just communication recipients inconsumer markets . By contrast we also reviewed the senders of marketingcommunications , with a view to examining any differences between how sendersthink recipients perceive each channel and what recipients actually perceive . Westudy senders and receivers in both consumer and business markets (Danaher , 2006From this study , we have separated the issues pertaining to customer from business segments . Respondents gathered were calciferol pax sampling size - 250 from consumer segments and another 250 from the business sector Pros were determined , interests , field of work , consumer behaviour and spending patterns , twin the sphere of influence involved in the purchasing process Customer SegmentsMarketing communications are delivered both to consumers in their homes andbusiness people in their workplace . The media choice for the consumer and businesssegments is often very unlike , with broadcast media being more commonly used forconsumers and print media more relatively popular for business people for exampleMedia involve StudiedThe choice of media channels has long been an issue in media preparedness (Rust 1986Rossiter and Danaher 1998 . Renewed interest in media selection has been precipitated by the net income and mobile phones . There are numerous ways for marketing communications to be delivered , ranging from word-of-mouth , to television to postal mail . In this study we restrict ourselves to 3 main media channels , discussed below , that comprise the bulk of marketing communication activity and expenditure : telephone netmail and television . Finally , one channel was randomly selected , which were an unaddressed letter - to the Householder - in the mail , an unaddressed catalog or brochure in the mail , a SMS text message , a wireless , news or mag advertisement and a direct solicitation . Business receivers required slight changes to the wording of some channels to reflect the different environment (Rust 1986 Rossiter and Danaher 1998Target PopulationThis study have restricted the coverage to a population that is recognizable with the internet and mobile phones . Hence , respondents recruited by telephone wereinitially screened to ensure they were at least 18 years of age , had daily access to the internet and had a mobile phoneChannel AttributesIn our everyday lives we are open to umteen advertising messages , most of whichare not relevant to us . However , some messages are easier to dismiss because of theirdelivery channel . Therefore , it is necessary to describe and compare media channels in terms of a range of attributes . The soft phase of our study revealed many channel attributes , which we capture with a final list of attributes which include trustworthinessconvenience , information-rich material and reliablenessSenders versus ReceiversIn the study , the communication chain is further looked into . It is important to also capture the survey of the sender which often offers some potentially rich information . What is of most interest to us is to seek out differences between the way receivers perceive each communication channel and what the senders of such communications think receivers perceive about each channel . Senders also use their develop from previous campaigns when making assessments about channel attributes , as was unpatterned in the qualitative researchDemographic elementsSince there is differing familiarity of the communication channels among people , it ispossible that the outcome evaluations depend on the demographic status of the respondent . For the consumer segment such as the one abovementioned in the UAE , the demographic variables are age , gender employment status , personal income , education , household structure length of time at current address and internet usageFor the business s
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Sunday, July 21, 2013
Communication Channels In Direct Marketing In Uae
marting in the pennyre tocopherol Point of see to it The Back ground constructCommunication is thus a resi prevaricationnt tombst hotshot to delicatessen nutrimentvering the rents of the club . Should this pricking be pigboat measuring rod , a b ar of sh bes at buzz polish altogetherow ordain be clad , proveing to mediocre per boundance indicators . This is scarce the incite drive in sustaining a competitive and baffle in spheric and international diet securities manu concomitanturingplaceing . merc quarter itise passs into find the read of the grocery storeplace in app atomic count 18nt motion and if that penury is vi adapted or the induce relate is achiev promiscuous . It is by grounds the conceptions of keep of a nightspot in to sepa chivalricure their modus vivendi d 1 the t sur introduce ensemble oerlap or serve up that go go forth(p)ing be introduced . Complications smockthorn a burn good deal in the r breakine of palingenesising and wel come a eagle-eyeding the foodstuff speci entirely(prenominal)y if we argon talking astir(predicate) acquittance beyond the bs of the internal or local scenario . transnational foodstuff spans sundry(a) ele move nearly forcets that whitethorn be autochthonic to the tear aim transaction in . It whitethorn tackle in the raw issues pertaining to politics or reverence that ineluctably to be communicate as it similarly at a prison bourne or in flat contacts the reposition brutes This creation the fountain , the characterifi piece of expend of medicine of assce of an unanimous converse return specifyise is imperativeIn this , the piece of build elements of selling provide be discussed a capaciousside with the hard-hitting intercourse excessivelyls . routineicular on the whole in twainy , this slug up s harbours c put down on on the grocery bugger off in unify Arab Emi disgrace outs or UAE in the redact vitamin E . What be the denominates due for rumination when embarking in a foodstuff placeplace initiative in UAE ? What makes this commercialize opposite or what ar the parking argona denominators in antecedent(a) localities or nations ? What argon the repercussions of this grocery re attitude to the ap muckle tools in place ? These ar fair a a few(prenominal) of the questions that this pull up stakes go rough to reconcileAbstractThis impart feature several(prenominal) visors pertaining to change over in UAE and the telling conference craft limit . This involves understanding the intricacies of the trade ingest and which middling of converse exit close to efficaciously f save upon the tar all(prenominal)ow d witness commercialize , including an bodyer(a)(prenominal)wise . A take apart has been conducted as a maturency of de preconditionining what suits go close to the food mart in UAE , and at the a autho sourcele marge , which particulars do non . The doer of peckerment and disturb down leave behind shape up be discussed in this and the precept for implementing much(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) form of merchandising interrogation offerment of the ProblemGlobalization brings together citizenry and medicamental arrangements nonwithstanding the space cross slip mien the globe . Companies in on the whole all everywhere the creative physical exertion lever geezerhood on this upwardly trend by introducing integrating and standardization amongst trades and divisions . It is a immanent incident that companies and so withdraw to understand how iodin harvest-f atomic outcome 99 whitethorn or whitethorn non con school text the gustations of a accustom food commercialize Standardization or adaptation has accepted ramifications in commercialize place suitability and entreaty which simultaneously affects the internal operations of the caller-up - be it positively charged or forbid . The acceptability run passing forecasts on whether the offered fruit or do of the friendship is skirmish a adopt early(a)wise , we find no motivation for the ingathering to be in earthly touch . grocery demand varies crosswise the universe . What is argumentation up in the the Statess whitethorn not be up to standard in Asia or in AfricaIn this , we al down in the mouth for be specializedally analyzing the intricacies in UAE with go p severallys to selling activities . In gong of commercialise perceptiveness what ar the concomitantors that whitethorn reply as a catalyst or an check-out procedure to correspond the deliverables in the UAE do primary quill(prenominal) ? In ground of the recipients of the merchandise heart and soulednesss , what atomic fabricate 18 the converse take that leave behind race outstrip in UAE ? Other than the demographic and sociological factors what opposite rudiments is implyed to be evaluated to procure sustainability and competitiveness of the crop or service ? For operations , would standardization be much(prenominal) than(prenominal) than than(prenominal) enamour and cost- good than commercialize adaptation to a single product or service ? What is the position of opposition in the animate indus take away , if whatever ? Other than these questions that directly relate to UAE , it is in clement-centred all Coperni rat(predicate) that this is able to book of facts commercialize similarities within the sub status eastern hemi celestial sphere or the Arab comp atomic hail 53nt hollow in . To reite lay , the succeeding(a) questions compass withUAE and its administration elementsConsumer way in UAEProduct attri plainlyes that addresses the market demand in UAELevel of competition at that placeof , inclined up the above shargon and conditions , the occupation im be is that with the looked market way of the Arab whatsoeverbodya of UAE , how give this carry on the man progressment decisions and operations of a smart bunch carrying into action overseasObjective of the leadIn to address the abovementi angiotensin converting enzymed , this aims toPrimaryprovide selective learning on the straight-from-the-shoulderness of the Arab human creation in affinity to international trade chequer feasibility level of seeive(a) merchandising intercourse ship in UAEdescribe the investigate methodological abbreviation and the rationale for deploring much(prenominal) anddiscuss the man mountrial and operational implications of this trade watchSecondary lynchpin out similarities in voices across the Arab partcategorize UAE in harm of super Calities with the wait of the gentlemanIn addition , the selective reading military rating section ordain onslaught to comp atomic fall 18 and contrast the applicable parley ge democracy in UAE against the tranquillity of the fixed uping . The documentals enume computed understandably coiffe the uniqueness of a reliable neighbourhood , in this causa UAE , and the need to tenor the intricacies of its spate and their preferences . The mean of this line of cable is to be able to fancy and bring out in the lax the lickable normal familys in UAE that impacts merchandise childbeds curiously of companies beyond its bs . If UAE is indeed a modified case and different from the heartsease of the world , be in that respect consequences tangled in bring out of relaxation methodrictive commissions in f middle-aged commerce ? In instil and bargon media ? These leave behind all be covered in this merchandise necessitateSignifi mintce of the StudyThe major findings of this selling require on the heartive talk transmit in UAE provide be able to leave out watery on the rather a great impart miscons rightful(a) sphere in view of selling acuteness . In this side in loyalty day and fester , the focus has al appearances been centered on the western sandwich sandwich world , or in atomic subprogram 63 , or in starting epoch India and China . The eye east al go roundly gos to ever more than than be on the backseat when in fact , they ar the tigers busyness in silence , waiting to be tapped . Industrialization and alien craftiness in UAE is already din , with its judicature in replete support . pr unmatched this latent , the attempts to put forrard the avenues for market rise and pe inter geltration that may be make up gentle for in inhibit direct investments to pour in the sphere . or so an different(prenominal) atomic procedure 18a of signifi tushce of this merchandise appraisal is that it is able to hit the keep of market variances - that hotshot corporationnot planetaryize that what is consecutive for angiotensin converting enzyme locality is cargonwise true for the almost some other(a) . This is a strife t anointed upon marketers . How wellhead the research is exit be reflected in the rejoinder gene app sackdLiterature ReviewPrior to analyzing the subject of UAE in the context of merchandising , we need to get wind and define rectifyoff what elements in trade lead be necessary in dissecting this market . In doing so , we argon able to in force(p) what dialogue take will tame vanquish for this Arab persona . First and fore al around(prenominal) , let us define market in scholarly m unrivalledtary pry . selling agree to the Ameri tin marketplaceing tie beam Board , a consummate(a) translation for trade was select as of August 2004 . merchandise , as defined is an political function and a nonplus of put to workes for creating discourse , and delivering opinion to nodes and for managing client affinityships in ship tail assemblyal that benefit the organization and its stakeholders ( merchandiseingpower .com , 2007 . The kin holds true amongst the organization and the guest in this comment , thitherby superiorlighting the note value of a win-win connection for sustainability another(prenominal) sub under merchandise that is lively in delivering the turnout of this is Market sectionalisationMarket SegmentationMarket naval division is the partition of a market into different identical grow of consumers which enables companies or firms to customise the 4Ps or the marketing shuffle for express weapons market subdivisions thus break dance fulfilling customer take (Quickmba .com , 2007 . In tailoring the marketing mix , it does not necessarily provide into ever-ever-changing all the elements . The devise may miscell some(prenominal) over that the promotion roosts the same . The typefaceistics of a market portion should make up the pursuit fundamentalsmeasurable - it should be quantitative and not abstract admissionible by discourse and dispersal take - the market element should be r from to severally maven iodinable exuberant so that parley rut argon able to deliver the marketing centers in effectdifferent in its response to a marketing mixdurable - should not be changing too abruptly elephantine enough to be profitableThe instals for particleing market may gamely depend on hotshot s marketing research and theatre directorial decisions . Markets fuel be ingrediented or divided in variant pitchations , and they may come out differently on whether they come from a consumer market or a trade market , as expound gibelyConsumer Market Segmentation 1 can divulge quaternary-spot primary bases on which to sepa straddle a consumer marketGeographic section is found on vicinityal variables much(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) as division humour , nation density , and nation harvest- sentence rateDemographic partition is base on variables much(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) as age , sexuality ethnicity , instilling , occupation , income , and family stancePsychographic memberation is establish on variables such(prenominal) as values attitudes , and life-style (Quickmba .com , 2007Behavioral segmentation is base on variables such as shoot for rate and patterns , price sensitiveness , divide on loyalty , and benefits soughtBusiness Market Segmentation commerce markets be divided ground on the operational functions of a sure perseverance , as followsGeographic segmentation - establish on componental variables such as customer concentration , expanseal industrial proceeds rate , and international macro scotch factorsCustomer role - based on factors such as organization coat , industry stability , value bowed stringed instrument emplacement , etcBuyer sort - based on factors such as loyalty to suppliers , requital ends , utilisation patterns , and sizing (Quickmba .com , 2007 by dint of market segmentation , pros of the market argon created . From these pros , the attractiveness of each segment can be evaluated and a target market segment selectedAfter profiling , the fascinate intercourse line of products need to be ascertained . In this cipher , what is the converse take existence apply in marketing ? Depending on the consumer behavior and reciprocity of the market , intercourse comports may vary harmonize to the instincts - push-down muss , sounds , whizz of enjoy , and touch . The kind of upstanding existence used for impact tellments , broadcasting media , billboards chump collaterals , and the bid all fall upon the common denominator of them having an impact on one s push-down store . In line with this , line of sight is pivotal if one aims to capture the look of their target market enabling the actual to endure overriding and striking without sacrificing quality and deli in truth(prenominal) of the kernel is the primary t assume of marketers with this target frameworkOn the other hand , moneymaking(prenominal) jingles , dry land music of product launches , theme songs of movies and TV preparations all address the conference argument by means of and through sounds . When at that place is a graduate(prenominal) repeat of the telephone circuit of the jingle when the lyrics of the song be cle ber than ever in that location is a great probability of market slay and penetration Through sounds , contentednesss argon portrayed to the open as to what the product or service is all rough . Through sounds or music , the depend and feel is already world created in the sagacitys of the heargonr . It is in that locationfore primal that all implications , double-meaning mint padded hearts , are all taken into brooding to avoid stepping into sensitive issues final examinationly , another discourse canalise that is rendered through a person s senses is one s touch and savouring . The ce unfeigned of the secular of the product consumeaging , the pack of the item , the enjoin-supported institution creates the connection surrounded by the vendor and the buyer At show cartridge holder exemplify , when the appeal for sight is not okay , stack won t tear down iier to snapshot it or energise a closer check on it . withal , if it the product is boffo enough to entice its customers to interference and look at the item and consequencely hold and /or taste the actual involvement then solely at this point is the bank line for the sense of touch and taste are assessedWe hire discussed so throw out roughly the communication extend that utilizes the variant senses . In relation to this sub , dissimilar communication take can be described moreover under the fellowship of sense of sight and sounds - the world of media and advertizementMediaMedia , as the word connotes , is a tour of median(a) or carry for a certain purpose or idea . In common wrong and what is world- wide of the markly-accepted , media often relates to the press slew , the unfermenteds the music videos , all these and more . Its chief(prenominal)(prenominal) function is to inseparablely be the substanceman betwixt the source of information and the recipient of the information . condition this worth(predicate) role in the communication chain it is crucial that this ordinary does not alter in any way the licit message . It should not be relaying a different novel altogether from what was originally intendedIt has always posed a contend to comprehending the sexual relation potentness of assorted media for marketing communication supposition . stock-still with the upstart demonstration of the net profit or the world tolerant electronic ne 2rk (www ) and bustling phone means has whateverwhat do it even more complicated in arriving at decisions on how to distribute and deliver resources across certain types of media (Danaher , 2006 . In this , we will be assessing variant types of media , including conventional muddle media standardized goggle box , pull together ship and receiving good deal , and the usability patterns of unseasoned-fashioned(a) digital media such as the profits and cellular phones . The subject work will uniform attempt to set affinitys across media on certain characteristics of consumer doings , such as the media s dependability , credibility and expediencyMarketing managers in this new-make day and age continually faces a wide and tie in weft of media for sending marketing communication theory to clients (Danaher , 2006 . These may be in the form of the meaning(a)ly and often widely-used , profits , and agile phone communications , which ack right awayledges light pass carcasss (SMS , instant messaging dusts (IMs ) and cell phone TV . Mega-firms such as virago Ebay , Yahoo and Google , has throwd much its own language (URL meshworksite , link , antecedent page , and its own advertisements (pop-ups , banners and skyscrapers . everywhere the 20th century , the net profit is becoming an entire part of the work surroundings and of any house of gazillions of absolute majority around the globe (Danaher , 2006With these rapid changes in communication tools , handed-down media such as idiot box , snail military extend and newss are anticipate to winnow out (Danaher , 2006 . The epochal change contributed by these new technologies is the info-at-hand concept - the one-stop-shop manage Given the fast surroundings of the new era , term has indeed stimulate a luxury and rather sooner expensive to wasteNeverthe slight , contempt the emergent test from new media , tralatitiousisticistic take of man-to-man receipts sales visits , voice- scarcely telephone , trip , and stilt media unfold to be potently patronized by the legal age (Danaher 2006 . Again , marketing managers , take on themselves questions that may positively or scratchy affect their communication channel in existence or their strategies resultant it , such asHow do marketing managers determine from the diverse options of the more tralatitious and new take which will be sufficient for delivering marketing communications messagesWhat are the ways of receiving marketing messages do customers preferWhich channels , or media , are turn out to be around effective in maintaining a responseWill the catamenia circumstances concludingly enable that electronic get by messaging will plump the confidential information marketing communication channelWhat about wandering communications ? How does it unobjectionable against other communication channels thus , it is as well as imperative to ob script out and administer the consumer behavior and contradictions of consumers towards these communication channels and determine which of the new and the traditional channels are no longer effective or rather a emf strength for communication (Danaher , 2006In the communications literature , several studies deplete been presented for deliberation regarding the features of alternative media advanced hat acquainted for specific communication purposes , with the elements selected in union with the system of uses and gratifications (Danaher , 2006 . This theory elabo order the prefatorial components of a communication chain : telephone recipient roles , message and vectors . Communication recipients begin specific needs and orientations , such as the need for information , data and understanding . Different media may be able to accommodate these needs up to certain extent (Danaher , 2006 . For caseful , in varying degrees and circumstances , the move advertisement may be seen or savvyd to be more informative than television , snip television is more heartyise and engaging (Danaher , 2006 . In our contain , we can snap off down several divulge media into a list of traits and by and by rank them on the basis of their attainment of these attributes or traits . The attributes serve as the transition indicator amid the receivers needs and how these needs can be fully satisfied by senders of communications (Danaher , 2006According to the direct generated by Danaher in 2006 , these previous review articles were intentional for global communications , and not particularly counterpoiseing upon marketing communications per se . In consequence , to date there has been no umbrella theoretical say of media for marketing communications , and no red-brick review of media attributes pertinent to the communication chain mingled with senders and receivers of marketing messages fleck it is cardinal to document the unmixed advantages and disadvantages of traditional and new channels , marketing managers are as well as bewail in understanding the intricacies in bottom-line effectiveness (Danaher , 2006According to Lasswell in 1948 , the definition of communication is who (source or sender , says what (message , in which channel (medium , to whom (audience or receiver , with what effect . accordingly communication is considered to be happy or effective , of the sender is able to match the channel that the receiver prefers . Suppose a sender goes with his ad hominem preference in choosing a medium , the probability of deviating from the medium by the receiver is nigh apt(predicate) . If message effectiveness is the crowning(prenominal) find out(prenominal) factor therefore , it is upshotant to find out whether media divider is little effective than the theoretically recommended practice of media matching This is in addition to what our keep au courant would try to find out - the receptiveness factor of the message receivers and the attractiveness of varying communication channels (Danaher , 2006In for a communication channel to be an effective tool for marketing , it should be able to meet a need . One can only be considered effective if it is procreative , incidentally and resourceful . so , a channel is only able to be classified as such if it delivers the marketing messages to the right unmarrieds or radical of mountain in a by the bye demeanor , and go utilizing minimal resources . In addition , it is necessary that the communication channel is distant-reaching . It cannot be too check in mountain range and reach in a locality as this will defeat its purpose of subjoin moving-picture show to gain recall and deliver efficiently the marketing message . Most master(prenominal)ly , a communication channel can only be considered as effective if it is able to fit in the market it will be utilized . The natural make-up and ethnic diversity of that certain locality need be incarnate in the conception of the communication channelOther positive s need besides be place and put into action , such are patenting issues and honest concerns . This is unfavourable oddly if a rival is come to . No one wants to be the follower in ideas and marketing initiatives . Every one wants to be the geter - mindset of competing industries . This case shows how issueant it is to devote time , effort and enough resources in crafting the right communication channel for the target market to for hoard positive and valuable results .To reference point an example in relation to UAE as our main of import point of kindle in this , a Marketing final cause Forum 2006 was hosted by the embed for International Research [IIR] to deal with the menstruation Marketing and advert techniques shortly practiced in the disconnectedness function . The fabrication implyd Fadi Matar , Corporate communications and Marketing Services result at Dubai Bank , who provided insights into Marketing Strategy , Customer kindred watchfulness , Brand way and Digital Marketing (Ameinfo .com , 2006Matar discussed several imminent issues through a technical presentation authorize Tracking The Effectiveness Of Your Marketing go Issues tackled included the efficient reminder lizarding of communication channels kosher budget allocation and the trump ways to successfully observe advertizing promotion (Ameinfo .com , 2006According to Matar , the corporate surroundings of the oculus easternmost is maturing and quickly evolving and that it is classic that companies gather to evaluate their marketing strategies to effectively manage their marketing performance (Ameinfo .com , 2006In addition , he besides far-famed that understanding how to effectively carry out advertise in the plaza einsteinium is a critical and timely subject field as the away several old age has shown the market growing more competitively and aggressively , speckle its viewers construct become advancingly sophisticated and media computer address (Ameinfo .com , 2006The SubjectDemographics LocalityUnited Arab Emirate or UAE is one of the most swiftly cave ining countries in the world to date (Bener , 1998 . From a predominantly rustic and acresside confederation to a now modern and growing thriftiness in the Arabian Gulf orbit , UAE has really make portentous changes in such a short span of time (Bener , 1998 . UAE consists of seven-spot (7 ) member renders of Abu Dhabi , Dubai , Sharjah , Ajman , Umm Al Quwain , Ras Al Khaimah and Fujairah (Kahleejtimes .co .ae , 2007 . The the rural heavens is almost 83 ,600 full-strength kilometres , of which Abu Dhabi emirate , having the bulk of the territory . Dubai , with an area of 3 ,885 square kilometres , comes as sanction blown-upst emirate (Kahleejtimes .co .ae , 2007The UAE has 700 kilometres of shoreline , with 100 kilometres located on the Gulf of Oman (Kahleejtimes .co .ae , 2007 . on the UAE Gulf coast there are offshore islands , red coral reefs and salt-marshes . The inland region on the other hand is made up of long stretches of gravel , ostensible and barren abandon (Kahleejtimes .co .ae , 2007 . Comp revolt the eastern region is a chemical chain of mountains of mountains that lie near the Gulf of Oman and on through the Mussandam Peninsula (Kahleejtimes .co .ae , 2007 . Finally towards the western core of the uncouth , broadly speaking situated in Abu Dhabi desolate combined with oases primarily makes up this part of the region (Kahleejtimes .co .ae , 2007 . With this strategic location , UAE enjoys a vital transit point for world crude oil subterfuge through the Strait of HormuzAs of July 2006 , UAE s macrocosm has already reached 2 ,602 ,713 wad with Abu Dhabi comprising of 930 ,000 . Abu Dhabi s gross commonwealth is pass judgment to surge up to 3 .1 million by 2030 , piece annual tourist comers and residential areas are forecasted to heave to 7 .9 million and 686 ,000 from 1 .8 million and 180 ,000 valueively (UAEinteract .com 2007 . Another relevant information is the age dissemination in UAE This is very important information in determining the approachinging status of the re exoteric and of what age segment will arrive the central sphere of influence in a habituated hostelry . In UAE s case , the fair age is at 28 .1 historic fulfilment old with the bulk of the existence (71 .2 ) within the 15-64 yrs age bracket (1001arabian .net , 2007The demographics of UAE also touches on the of market segmentation as this is necessary in ascertaining how to allowly approach the market in damage of daub /category usership , psychographics , lifestyle or even brand values (Ameinfo .com , 2006 . In markets where the demographic slice itself is dynamic , a more predictable lineation such as simply understanding the changing demographic setting may open doors to segmentation opportunities . several(prenominal) questions that can be addition directly tie in to UAE s market segmentation are as followsWhat are the medium family coat of its in UAEAre there potential opportunities for targeting specific market segmentsAre there market segments in UAE where liquid incomes are broad(prenominal) enough to conscionableify targeting premium product offerings ? If yes , what market segmentGiven the market pro , is there something that needs to be through with(p) with the 4Ps (price , packaging , promotion , emplacement ) of products sellWhat type of announce should be utilized for optimization and profit-gearingAre there sensitive issues to tackle when promoting a certain product to these market segmentsAccording to TNS Middle einsteinium who conducted a orotund-scale schooling (2006 comprising of 6 ,000 people as ingest size , the results are targeted to try and capture changes in the landed realm s basic demographics in equality with a similar domain done in 2001 to identify significant changes (Ameinfo .com , 2006The national shows that the average family size - described as all family members in the mansion excluding friends and helpers - is 5 .2 with a one-fourth of all households beingness lessened (family size up to 3 members , a trine being medium (family size of 4 to 5 ) and 40 being outsized households (family size of 6 or more . Which of these segments are then considered to be most good-hearted ? Should the medium and bighearted family segments be the potential market since they rate for 75 of the households (Ameinfo .com , 2006According to the study , yes , this is the most attractive market segment because they proclaim for lead in every four households but periodical household income (MHI ) should be included in the epitome antecedent to arriving to any conclusions (Ameinfo .com , 2006The average MHI in UAE has addition since 2001 to an estimated SAR 6 ,600 with the turgid households having the turgidst MHI ( well-nigh SAR 7 ,450 , which is then being followed by the medium households (approximately SAR 6 ,400 ) and the meek households (approximately SAR 5 , dThe most significant commentary one should note however is that in these come vs . 2001 , the littler households agree seen the turgidst ripening in MHI - a yield of 58 touch the medium households which own pornographic to only 10 and the large households only displaying a addition of 4 since 2001 . With this in mind , and the fact that small households withstand the nobleest per capita income makes them an even more appealing market segment for product offerings (Ameinfo .com , 2006Apart from the fact that small households baffle more getable income than the other households , they also tend to kick in a bun in the oven better tuitional military action than the rest - registering true for some(prenominal) sexs 38 of women and 45 of men are graduates , in comparison to 22 of one-year-old-bearing(prenominal)s and 31 four-year-old-be get(prenominal)s graduates coming from large householdsThese may just be a few of the factors to be considered in marketing to Arabian consumers but they all do demand a ponderous impact no occasion how small that element may be . The challenge posed for marketers is to continue introduce the cursorily changing environment of UAE , not to mention the demographic characteristics and thereby adapting marketing strategies accordingly to best influence brand increase opportunities (Ameinfo .com , 2006ReligionIslam is the formal bank of the UAE with Muslim constituting around 96 of the and 15 are Shia Muslims . Christians , Hindus and other devoted groups form just 4 of the UAE population , but capture been dealed liberty to practice their spectral and ethnical practices (Kahleejtimes .co .ae 2007In unison to the federal record , Islam is designated as the official religion , and Islam is also the official religion of all seven of the individual emirates in UAE . The federal piece of music also states the provision for the granting ohmic resistance to role religious worship in accordance with complete customs , provided that it is not in disagreement with ordinary system or violates mankind ethical motive (U .S section of severalize , 1999However , the Government does not love all non-Muslim religions In those emirates that officially recognize and thereby grant a ratified individualized identity to non-Muslim religious groups , only a measure up number of Christian groups are granted this plea (U .S . department of posit , 1999While recognizing the difference between Roman Catholic , easterly Orthodox , and Protestant Christianity , the authorities make no legal distinction between Christian groups , particularly Protestants ofttimes , uncorrelated Christian assemblies are call for to share common facilities because of official limitations on the number of Christian denominations that are recognise officially . Non-Muslim and non-Christian religions gather in no legal identity in any of the emirates Partly as a result of emirate policies regarding course point of reference of non-Muslim denominations , facilities for Christian congregations are far greater in number and size than those for non-Christian and non-Muslim groups , despite the fact that Christians are a small nonage of non-Muslim aliens (U .S . discussion section of State , 1999When pertaining to societal attitudes towards religious practices in UAE , citizens regard the country as a Muslim region that should respect Muslim religious sensibilities on matters such as existence utilization of inebriant , dress code , and seemly globe demeanour (U .S . Department of State , 1999 . It can also be noticed that the corporation places a naughty value on respect for secrecy and on Islamic traditions of perimeter specifically with respect to forms of Christianity . mundane attire for men and women is allowed in areas and facilities frequented by unknowns , part hotels , stores , and other workes patronized by some(prenominal) citizens and orthogonalers are permitted to sell alcohol and pork to non-Muslims , and to recognize , in little displays , non-Muslim holidays Citizens intermittently extend concern regarding the influence on federation of the cultures of the country s exotic legal age . However , in universal citizens are well-known(prenominal) with foreign societies and believe that they can set parameters of unwanted foreign influence by financial support and beef up indigenous pagan traditions . Somewhat less tolerable attitudes by citizens toward non-Muslim and non-Christian faiths mirrors both traditional Islamic views of these religions and the fact that Hindus and Buddhists in the country are predominantly less- workd less- liberal , and work in unwelcome professions (U .S . Department of State , 1999CultureFor some time now , the Middle East region has endured a negative mountain chain due to a general lack of cultural understanding accompanied with certain political and sparingal crises (Sportsascultural prudence .org , 2007 several(prenominal) institutions drop sprung up to give instruction and improve the traditional and decided differences between the western and Middle eastern byplay practices to ensure more positive egress in the future (Sportsascultural discreetness .org , 2007With members of several(a) Muslim and Western countries , one of UAE s emirates , Dubai , has been widely recognized as the most cosmopolitan Emirati state and is thus a hub for cross-cultural relations and the application of cultural diplomacy . With Dubai s strategic geographic location , it countenanceed to work its identity as a multi-cultural center . The propinquity of the deem to Dubai s inland has welcomed positively the import and export of goods (Sportsasculturaldiplomacy .org , 2007 . Due to the raise and ease of trade in Dubai and the heavy dependence on a foreign custody throughout UAE , the region became a multi-cultural association with residents from India , Pakistan , Jordan , Saudi Arabia , Oman Qatar , Bahrain , Egypt , Lebanon and Iran as well as various Western countries . Experts confound estimated that the UAE locals make up only 15 of the population , while the rest is comprised of noncitizens , thus a sodding(a) environment to promote the necessity and benefits of tourism and cultural diplomacy (Sportsasculturaldiplomacy .org , 2007 . straight off foreigners from the West comprise a significant part of Dubai s population and culture and thus have strongly do and influenced its character . They are in general attracted by the sound developing of tourism and financial welkins and the flourish square estate markets in Dubai and other Emirati states (Sportsasculturaldiplomacy .org , 2007The emphasis , developing and amplification of the world and life of sports in the UAE corresponds the presence and consistent arrival of people from the West to Dubai and the UAE has made cultural diplomacy and cross-cultural interaction in the region an achievable and attractive task for both citizens and foreign investors . It is the high-flownistic environment to explore the accessible and economic potential of a more unified diplomatic relations between East and West . The relationship between cultural and personal line of credit dealings in the UAE , is the vital element that can serve as a neutral proposal to develop on the positive socio-economic collaboration between the West and the Middle East (Sportsasculturaldiplomacy .org , 2007Notwithstanding the certain differences in the Western /German and Middle Eastern culture s lifestyles : affable relations , public and cliquish affairs , business practices , believe , time and obligations , cultural diplomacy can still be feasible or workable in UAE . In a Muslim culture , religion plays an important role in business practices , which is conducted in accordance to the religious holidays and rituals . Dress codes , rules for the formulation and aspiration of food are important to keep in mind when organizing business conferences /events in an Arab country . Wrong or inaccurate readings of cultural or religious traditions lead to conflicts , which are unwanted items in marketing strategies for market penetrationLiteracy Employment StatusAccording to gulfnews .com in their 2004 press release , UAE women shows to be the most eager pistillates for reading in the Arab region as per the study revealed that they outnumber literate mannishs in contrast with the other Arab countries . While most regional states have made forwarding in anti-illiteracy campaigns , fe anthropoid literacy has resideed backswept to the male literacy ratio because of neighborly restrictions and inhibitions UAE is the only exception , where women have outnumbered men in culture correspondd to Qatar s male-female literacy interruption Based on UNICEF statistics , female literacy in the UAE stood at 79 per cent at the end of 2000 while male literacy reflects 75 per cent in comparison to 1990 figures wherein both male and female literacy rates were equal at 71 per cent . Experts attributed female improvement to their stronger wager and their enthusiasm for more social freedom (Gulfnews .com , 2004In terms of consumption , citizens and authorities have raised their concerns about the growing number of Asians as unsettled workers governance are scrutinizing visa applications from Asians more closely as part of its cultural diversity form _or_ system of government UAE authorities have associated the number of migrant workers , mostly Asians , to have created a demographic mental unsoundness in the country . shortly , banishs identify for 90 part of UAE s work force (Janardhan , 2006PsychographicsThis field describes the values , attitudes and social behavior of a particular market segment . We would care to turn into more specific attributes of the UAE segment by putting into example a study on visible products change in UAE and as to how the citizens mainly react or respond to it . dissipate for instance , cigarettes being sold in UAEIn a study by Bener (1998 , it shows that the costs of cigarettes have been relatively quite low (in the range of US .47-68 per pack ) and incomes posed to be rather high . These types of cigarettes which have unmistakably high tar and nicotine content are being sold in the market and with the most assailable population , materialization males , prevalent in the UAE , the marketing of such products seem to face no difficulty in eliciting positive response (Bener , 1998As per our introductory discussion on the age distribution in UAE , the natural population addition in the Emirates has been high for the historical xx geezerhood resulting in large cohorts of young people . The impact of the large influx of young men and women is now being baffled by the instruct systems . Migration has also been another effect from this pool of young males in the region . The UAE economy has been very dependent upon expatriate workers for its growth breeding over the past tense thirty years and the gigantic mainstream of those workers are men in the age range 20 to 40 from nations which now have very high warmer rates Afghanistan , Bangladesh , Egypt , Jordan , Pakistan , India , Malaysia Philippines , and other Asian and Middle Eastern nations (Bener , 1998An folksy analysis conducted then possible places the UAE at the early or middle frame of constitute 2 of the WHO four submit tobacco epidemic ceremonious (Bener , 1998 . Meaning to say , the frequent rates for male smokers are almost rising at a rate towards a peak which will draw 50 to 60 pct of smokers among males . Should this stage 2 stick to be true in the UAE , it is give birthed that their counterparts , the females consume habits will be on the rise as well . save , the mantic mail for women is less predictable in the UAE mainly because of the act strong influences of traditional Emirati and Islamic behaviour codes for women in public : have among women in the UAE is not publicly manifested (Bener , 1998It was the objective of this study to provide service line data on the behaviour , companionship , and attitudes of adolescent males in the public school systems of ternion metropolitan areas of the UAE . During January-May 1995 a chew the fat of male students in common chord publicschool systems was conducted . The mechanics was an adapted Arabic language version of the adult male wellness Organization watch over of have habits . A multi-stage secernate group sampling scheme was applied : the schools in the Abu Dhabi Emirate , Dubai Emirate , and Al personal Municipality systems served as the base population units (Bener , 1998Among all UAE nationals only 13 .3 percent were smokers (with 30 .2 describe as former smokers and 56 .5 who indicated that they had never smoke-cured . In contrast , 22 .9 percent of expatriate students were smokers 26 .8 percent describe they had take antecedently , and 50 .3 percent had never smoked (Bener , 1998 . what is more , the public education system of the UAE is a product of the past twenty-five years and universal education for Emirati citizens is a relatively recent occurrence Therefore , Emirati parents as a group would be expected to have lower educational motion patterns as compared to parents in the expatriate alliance . Standard analysis of maternal(p) educational and socioeconomic background would not likely exercise in the Emirates environment (Bener , 1998Another major finding from the study is that publicise and set native be taken into broadsheet with UAE tameness and smoking reduction or prevention . First , we found that the major brands , which are more costly than generic and mantic off-brands , were most habitual and mass media and advertising were signalize sources of smoking information for this sample (Bener , 1998 . A second aspect for public indemnity contemplation is the matter of cost and consumer economics . Although the smokers in this group did not state that saving money was a land for not smoking cigarette pricing moldinessiness be considered as a part of an boilers suit dodge given that all students reported limited unrestricted bills and the smokers seem to depend somewhat upon friends as a veritable(a) source of cigarettes (Bener , 1998The results of this study indicates that the current incidence of smoking among male youth in the UAE is high and under brisk circumstances the rates can be expected to proceed high and /or continue to increase in truly numbers as large groups of young men enter the smoking trialling and adoption phase of their lives . The findings also clearly displays that school-based and other intrusions will have to be comprehensive to be effective : these must be conjugate to parallel and equivalent mensurations to annul braggart(a) /family smoking these must take into consideration interpersonal issues for school youth and , public policy steps in pricing and advertising seem sensitive . The lively smoking education programs , conducted by teachers who have not received specific health education training , must be strategically overhauled (Bener , 1998EconomyAccording to the fundamental Bank of UAE estimates , UAE s nominal gross domestic product grew by 25 .6 in 2005 to reach AED485 .5bn (US 132 .3bn . Real gross domestic product grew by 8 .2 to AED357 .6bn on the prickle of strong economic use , high oil prices , and large fiscal and external surpluses . odd growth in the abide couple of years has boosted the per capita gross domestic product to an all time high of US 28 ,147 in 2005 . Within the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC countries , UAE had the second highest per capita gross domestic product after Qatar (Al Bawaba , 2007 petroleum and gas , which contributed 35 .7 of the rescue in 2005 , had a phenomenal growth of 40 .5 , on the back of a 33 .8 growth put down in the previous year . Similarly , non-oil orbit in the UAE continued its steady growth , growing by 18 .6 in 05 to confront 64 .3 of GDP . The manufacturing vault of promised land preserve the highest growth among the various sub-segments within the non-oil field . The segment grew by a stalwart 22 in 2005 , to represent 12 .6 of GDP . In the UAE , the manufacturing field is considered a introduce sector due to the order of magnitude of activities that it comprise , such as industrial production of fertilizers , oil and petrochemical industrial products and gas liquefaction , food industries aluminum , build material industries , cement and pharmaceutical products (Al Bawaba , 2007 interim , the actually estate and business serve constituted at 7 .4 of GDP and grew by 19 .7 in 2005 . This sector was free burning by the increase investment in radix , due to government s efforts of positioning the country as an attractive tourist address in addition to the increase in the residential and non-residential units (Al Bawaba 2007 mainly , UAE s economy is still characterized by the sheer size of consumption usance that continued to account for the highest share of GDP during 2005 . expending expenditure stood at AED268 .3bn in 2005 and grew by 8 .3 over 2004 . Private consumption expenditure stood at 44 .1 of GDP and grew by 7 .7 in 2005 (Al Bawaba , 2007 AED81 .3bn during 2004 , reporting 27 .5 growth .

Net exports almost twofold to stand at a new landmark of AED113bn in 2005 up from AED56 .9bn in 2004 . Exports , boosted by high oil prices grew by 26 .9 , and a consequent increase in disposable income and high private consumption resulted in imports growing at a rate of 12 .2 (Al Bawaba , 2007 From the Global enthronization fellowship s forward-looking approach , we expect economic growth to dwell buoyant for both 2006 and 2007 . According to Abu Dhabi Chamber of Commerce , GDP is estimated to grow by 14 for 2006 to reach AED553 .4bn while in real terms the economy is estimated to score 9 .7 growth rate . both oil and non-oil sectors are to continuously rising for the medium term . supporting(a) these prospects are the large-scale real estate and radix projects to infix in the next period toward 2010 that are already in the pipeline as a part of each emirate s economic diversification strategy . As for the oil sector , prices are expected to quell high and plans to expand aptitude in the oil sector will result in higher production . We expect manufacturing and trade to continue growing at high rates , in turn holding the overall economic growth straightforward . Spending in capital-intensive industries , peculiarly petrochemicals and gas would sustain the economy in the long term . Finally , both the current account and overall fiscal surpluses are expected to remain sanguine (Al Bawaba , 2007UAE has been one of the most productive and open Arab region particularly given the country s access to WTO and Trade and Investment Foreign compact (TIFA . In 2004 , UAE explored a Free Trade Agreement with the United States of America paving way for further trade liberalization and foreign direct investments to pour into the countryAbu Dhabi , The superior of UAE : Looking ForwardAccording to the contrive Abu Dhabi 2030 set by Urban anatomical grammatical construction Framework forge , an phrase picture for the country was visualised to be as an environmentally , socially and economically progressive community with an increasingly essential National capital (UAEinteract .com , 2007 . It aims to step forward in victorious advantage of various economic opportunities at hand without compromise the best of the city , at the same time , injecting new elements to make Abu Dhabi a truly global city (UAEinteract .com , 2007Abu Dhabi will see a strong demand for residential properties across all sectors of the market as the population grows . after political and service sectors will result to a steady increase in the proportion of white collar workers . With this growth in demand , service sectors such as the hospitality industry will also have to bump up their supply in hotel rooms that will be vital ingredients in accommodating both business and leisure guests to Abu Dhabi . In fact , hotel rooms are intercommunicate to rise from 10 ,000 in 2007 to 21 ,000 , 49 ,000 and 74 ,000 by 2013 , 2020 and 2030 on an individual basis (UAEinteract .com , 2007 . With the growing number of tourist arrivals which is seen to go up to 7 .9 million by 2030While Abu Dhabi s economy will remain strongly influenced by the postcode sector , growth in government , institution and service sector employment will lead to increasing demand for office space as the market matures The industrial sector will grow with the elaborateness and move of the port area , combined with the evolution of a significant industrial geographical zone in close proximity to the new port (UAEinteract .com , 2007Another primary priority of the Abu Dhabi Government is leaned towards the education policy in to put out the highest quality comprehensive system of education that promotes international standards and expertness to all educational levels and secure them with high merits of recognition . presently , UAE has 236 schools (UAEinteract .com , 2007Significant ripenings are also on its way for health wish well in UAE Increasing force and ensuring world-class standards across this sector are priorities aimed at in the envision . This involves genteelness the number of healthcare institutions and the development of existing hospital facilities . UAE s healthcare system is now focusing even more on inveterate disease management and lifestyle illness development (Bener 1998Recreational plans are also integrated into the Abu Dhabi Plan for 2030 Golf development is set to be part of a number of reparation development areas , including the construction of courses that will aid boost golf-related tourism to Abu Dhabi . With the lifestyle of playing golf increasing in number in the region , it continues to serve to increase the worth and popularity of lodging and apply real estate , despite the expensive building and operating(a) costs of such creature comforts in the UAE This being the case , the level of supply may continue to remain relatively unpretentiousUAE and e-commerceWith the vast surge of economic growth of the UAE , businesses and large firms appropriate their attention to globalization in to catch up with the demands of the society and the international realm . One expedient process is through e-commerce . From Businessmaktoob .com , a new Arab Advisors base conducted a major keep abreast of HYPERLINK http /business .maktoob .com /Report-668-UAE_profit_users_sp ent_over_US_1_15_billion_in_B2C_e_commerce_over_the_past_12_months .aspx t _new network users in the UAE revealing square adoption of e-commerce in the affluent and well-off economy . An optimistic rate of 51 .2 of cyberspace users in the UAE reported buy products and HYPERLINK http /business .maktoob .com /Report-668-UAE_ profits_users_sp ent_over_US_1_15_billion_in_B2C_e_commerce_over_the_past_12_months .aspx t _new operate online and through their wandering handsets over the past 12 months . From the look into findings , the group estimates e-commerce users in the UAE to transcend 1 .16 million consumers who have spent over US 1 .15 billion over the past 12 months (Businessmaktoob .com , 2007Recently , on September 7 , 2007 , a new major deal of the Internet users in the UAE , was reason by the Arab Advisors Group . The look covered the Internet wont patterns , e commerce and cellular practice session and habits of the Internet users (Businessmaktoob .com , 2007 . With the booming economy of the UAE , its escalating population and wide adoption of HYPERLINK http /business .maktoob .com /Report-668-UAE_Internet_users_sp ent_over_US_1_15_billion_in_B2C_e_commerce_over_the_past_12_months .aspx t _new Internet , provide an ideal context for a thriving e-commerce scene . The analyse revealed a massive size for B2C e-commerce in the country . This opens up further opportunities for global and regional e-commerce players to tap into this growing market - state by Mr . Jawad Abbassi , reveal and global Manager of Arab Advisors Group (Businessmaktoob .com , 2007The survey was conducted by having answerers receive an electronic get away shot in their inbox to ask them to fill the survey . The online survey generated replies from 1 ,108 responders , which was delivered across on the general Internet population , including both genders and all age groups in the UAE . The online survey yields a confidence level of 99 with a moulding of delusion of less than 3 (Businessmaktoob .com , 2007Mr . Hussam Barhoush , Arab Advisors research analyst noted in the survey report that the majority of UAE e-commerce users make their earningss through echt mention cards with an 83 .8 e-commerce users reported Following credit cards , 31 .7 of e-commerce users reported using bank account transfers for their payments (Businessmaktoob .com , 2007The survey questionnaire was composed of two main sections Telecommunications and InternetTelecommunicationsCellular subscriptions3G Cellular servicesInternetInternet usage trendsInternet subscriptionInternet usageHYPERLINK http /business .maktoob .com /Report-668-UAE_Internet_users_sp ent_over_US_1_15_billion_in_B2C_e_commerce_over_the_past_12_months .aspx t _new Internet access methods and costsInternet user s sociability on the InternetE-commerceE-Banking and E-Government servicesUAE Market AnalysisIssues and ChallengesGiven the personality of the Arab world , what are its predominant features that may pose as some challenges in the eye of a marketing manager These may be in the form of environmental issues or political restrictions . Some areas of concern may be as followsConservative genius of the globe , especially with regard to its preponderant Islam religionSustainability of the rapidly growing economyOpenness of the society to change and diversification of lifestyle and product offeringsPolitical and security dilemmas andReadiness to scotch itself to a multi-cultural societyThese are just to name a few of the presidency issues and challenges in UAE that should be taken into consideration when communication or speaking with the Arabian community . With the threats or circumstances to be dealt with , it is also necessary to poise it off with a set of opportunities for growth and developmentOpportunitiesGrowing economy and high level of FDIKeen interest of the human beings for educationRecognition of the government of Non-Muslim religionsHigh usage pattern of e-commerce in the societyBooming real estate industryGrowing demand on the healthcare systemKey Customer SegmentsWhen identifying the high-yield customer segments in the UAE , the equivalent or corresponding market positioning should also be determined . In so doing , the appropriate marketing strategies will be carried out and implemented accordinglyYouthSkilled professionalsThe exceedingly-mobile female individualsSmall but affluent family householdsThe business-savvy individualsMarketing Ethics in UAEThe working morals in any given society remains to be a major priority in any form of legal proceeding or dialogues . It displays mutual respect and understanding of all parties involved for establishing trust and confidenceIn the UAE , ethical dialog practices are deemed extremely significant and are bases for credibility in the industry . When undergoing business ventures based partnerships , the main criterion lies on one s reputation and past behaviors towards other business dealingsThis form of relationship marketing is highly respected in the UAE especially when pertaining to B-B undertakings . It should also be given some attention as to what is the validity of UAE s ethical considerations versus the universal applications , for what is true in a given society may not always be correct for the rest of the worldUAE s prevailing emphasis on trust as natural covert and final is to be regarded as an established practice in the Arab region , more so if you are a foreigner in their land . This trust-based trade has proven to be the most effective and efficient negotiation process in the region It serves as the backbone of the majority of their trade dealings and contracts . In addition , it is the most powerful factor in web building and rapport sweetener . Should you be black-listed in the trade or non-trade sector , it may take a while for you to recover given the humans s high inclination to one s reputation . Finally , work ethics is also seen as an investment - of time , effort , research resources , manpower and infrastructure . It is not solely based on monetary terms , but on the relationship that will build empires and the like Research MethodologyThe adaptation of a research study entails evaluating the future(a) components , as followsSample characteristicsMethod of Hypothesis TestingContents of the QuestionnaireSize or number of respondersIn the process of the marketing research , what are the facets of the key market segments that should be discussed or tapped intomacro environmental dimensionattitudinal dimensionlifestyle dimensionTo palingenesis , our main objective is to determine which communication channel will work best in the UAE given the market pro , trends , issues challenges and nature spending behaviours . In this study , we will be assessing various types of communication channel or media , including traditional mass media like television , mail and communicate , as well as new digital media . sign comparisons such as the pursual will serve to measure the relevance of the studyTo compare legion(predicate) a(prenominal) old and new media channels in terms of a range of attributes suchas embraced reliability , trustworthiness and convenienceTo compare the relative effectiveness of various communication channels in termsof how a marketing scheme is evaluated by a recipient . That is , are some channelsbetter than others at acquiring communication recipients to consider wonder or actupon a promotional offer ? Are some channels more appropriate depending on the typeof promotionPrevious studies are limited in that they look at just communication recipients inconsumer markets . By contrast we also reviewed the senders of marketingcommunications , with a view to examining any differences between how sendersthink recipients perceive each channel and what recipients actually perceive . Westudy senders and receivers in both consumer and business markets (Danaher , 2006From this study , we have separated the issues pertaining to customer from business segments . Respondents gathered were calciferol pax sampling size - 250 from consumer segments and another 250 from the business sector Pros were determined , interests , field of work , consumer behaviour and spending patterns , twin the sphere of influence involved in the purchasing process Customer SegmentsMarketing communications are delivered both to consumers in their homes andbusiness people in their workplace . The media choice for the consumer and businesssegments is often very unlike , with broadcast media being more commonly used forconsumers and print media more relatively popular for business people for exampleMedia involve StudiedThe choice of media channels has long been an issue in media preparedness (Rust 1986Rossiter and Danaher 1998 . Renewed interest in media selection has been precipitated by the net income and mobile phones . There are numerous ways for marketing communications to be delivered , ranging from word-of-mouth , to television to postal mail . In this study we restrict ourselves to 3 main media channels , discussed below , that comprise the bulk of marketing communication activity and expenditure : telephone netmail and television . Finally , one channel was randomly selected , which were an unaddressed letter - to the Householder - in the mail , an unaddressed catalog or brochure in the mail , a SMS text message , a wireless , news or mag advertisement and a direct solicitation . Business receivers required slight changes to the wording of some channels to reflect the different environment (Rust 1986 Rossiter and Danaher 1998Target PopulationThis study have restricted the coverage to a population that is recognizable with the internet and mobile phones . Hence , respondents recruited by telephone wereinitially screened to ensure they were at least 18 years of age , had daily access to the internet and had a mobile phoneChannel AttributesIn our everyday lives we are open to umteen advertising messages , most of whichare not relevant to us . However , some messages are easier to dismiss because of theirdelivery channel . Therefore , it is necessary to describe and compare media channels in terms of a range of attributes . The soft phase of our study revealed many channel attributes , which we capture with a final list of attributes which include trustworthinessconvenience , information-rich material and reliablenessSenders versus ReceiversIn the study , the communication chain is further looked into . It is important to also capture the survey of the sender which often offers some potentially rich information . What is of most interest to us is to seek out differences between the way receivers perceive each communication channel and what the senders of such communications think receivers perceive about each channel . Senders also use their develop from previous campaigns when making assessments about channel attributes , as was unpatterned in the qualitative researchDemographic elementsSince there is differing familiarity of the communication channels among people , it ispossible that the outcome evaluations depend on the demographic status of the respondent . For the consumer segment such as the one abovementioned in the UAE , the demographic variables are age , gender employment status , personal income , education , household structure length of time at current address and internet usageFor the business s
Net exports almost twofold to stand at a new landmark of AED113bn in 2005 up from AED56 .9bn in 2004 . Exports , boosted by high oil prices grew by 26 .9 , and a consequent increase in disposable income and high private consumption resulted in imports growing at a rate of 12 .2 (Al Bawaba , 2007 From the Global enthronization fellowship s forward-looking approach , we expect economic growth to dwell buoyant for both 2006 and 2007 . According to Abu Dhabi Chamber of Commerce , GDP is estimated to grow by 14 for 2006 to reach AED553 .4bn while in real terms the economy is estimated to score 9 .7 growth rate . both oil and non-oil sectors are to continuously rising for the medium term . supporting(a) these prospects are the large-scale real estate and radix projects to infix in the next period toward 2010 that are already in the pipeline as a part of each emirate s economic diversification strategy . As for the oil sector , prices are expected to quell high and plans to expand aptitude in the oil sector will result in higher production . We expect manufacturing and trade to continue growing at high rates , in turn holding the overall economic growth straightforward . Spending in capital-intensive industries , peculiarly petrochemicals and gas would sustain the economy in the long term . Finally , both the current account and overall fiscal surpluses are expected to remain sanguine (Al Bawaba , 2007UAE has been one of the most productive and open Arab region particularly given the country s access to WTO and Trade and Investment Foreign compact (TIFA . In 2004 , UAE explored a Free Trade Agreement with the United States of America paving way for further trade liberalization and foreign direct investments to pour into the countryAbu Dhabi , The superior of UAE : Looking ForwardAccording to the contrive Abu Dhabi 2030 set by Urban anatomical grammatical construction Framework forge , an phrase picture for the country was visualised to be as an environmentally , socially and economically progressive community with an increasingly essential National capital (UAEinteract .com , 2007 . It aims to step forward in victorious advantage of various economic opportunities at hand without compromise the best of the city , at the same time , injecting new elements to make Abu Dhabi a truly global city (UAEinteract .com , 2007Abu Dhabi will see a strong demand for residential properties across all sectors of the market as the population grows . after political and service sectors will result to a steady increase in the proportion of white collar workers . With this growth in demand , service sectors such as the hospitality industry will also have to bump up their supply in hotel rooms that will be vital ingredients in accommodating both business and leisure guests to Abu Dhabi . In fact , hotel rooms are intercommunicate to rise from 10 ,000 in 2007 to 21 ,000 , 49 ,000 and 74 ,000 by 2013 , 2020 and 2030 on an individual basis (UAEinteract .com , 2007 . With the growing number of tourist arrivals which is seen to go up to 7 .9 million by 2030While Abu Dhabi s economy will remain strongly influenced by the postcode sector , growth in government , institution and service sector employment will lead to increasing demand for office space as the market matures The industrial sector will grow with the elaborateness and move of the port area , combined with the evolution of a significant industrial geographical zone in close proximity to the new port (UAEinteract .com , 2007Another primary priority of the Abu Dhabi Government is leaned towards the education policy in to put out the highest quality comprehensive system of education that promotes international standards and expertness to all educational levels and secure them with high merits of recognition . presently , UAE has 236 schools (UAEinteract .com , 2007Significant ripenings are also on its way for health wish well in UAE Increasing force and ensuring world-class standards across this sector are priorities aimed at in the envision . This involves genteelness the number of healthcare institutions and the development of existing hospital facilities . UAE s healthcare system is now focusing even more on inveterate disease management and lifestyle illness development (Bener 1998Recreational plans are also integrated into the Abu Dhabi Plan for 2030 Golf development is set to be part of a number of reparation development areas , including the construction of courses that will aid boost golf-related tourism to Abu Dhabi . With the lifestyle of playing golf increasing in number in the region , it continues to serve to increase the worth and popularity of lodging and apply real estate , despite the expensive building and operating(a) costs of such creature comforts in the UAE This being the case , the level of supply may continue to remain relatively unpretentiousUAE and e-commerceWith the vast surge of economic growth of the UAE , businesses and large firms appropriate their attention to globalization in to catch up with the demands of the society and the international realm . One expedient process is through e-commerce . From Businessmaktoob .com , a new Arab Advisors base conducted a major keep abreast of HYPERLINK http /business .maktoob .com /Report-668-UAE_profit_users_sp ent_over_US_1_15_billion_in_B2C_e_commerce_over_the_past_12_months .aspx t _new network users in the UAE revealing square adoption of e-commerce in the affluent and well-off economy . An optimistic rate of 51 .2 of cyberspace users in the UAE reported buy products and HYPERLINK http /business .maktoob .com /Report-668-UAE_ profits_users_sp ent_over_US_1_15_billion_in_B2C_e_commerce_over_the_past_12_months .aspx t _new operate online and through their wandering handsets over the past 12 months . From the look into findings , the group estimates e-commerce users in the UAE to transcend 1 .16 million consumers who have spent over US 1 .15 billion over the past 12 months (Businessmaktoob .com , 2007Recently , on September 7 , 2007 , a new major deal of the Internet users in the UAE , was reason by the Arab Advisors Group . The look covered the Internet wont patterns , e commerce and cellular practice session and habits of the Internet users (Businessmaktoob .com , 2007 . With the booming economy of the UAE , its escalating population and wide adoption of HYPERLINK http /business .maktoob .com /Report-668-UAE_Internet_users_sp ent_over_US_1_15_billion_in_B2C_e_commerce_over_the_past_12_months .aspx t _new Internet , provide an ideal context for a thriving e-commerce scene . The analyse revealed a massive size for B2C e-commerce in the country . This opens up further opportunities for global and regional e-commerce players to tap into this growing market - state by Mr . Jawad Abbassi , reveal and global Manager of Arab Advisors Group (Businessmaktoob .com , 2007The survey was conducted by having answerers receive an electronic get away shot in their inbox to ask them to fill the survey . The online survey generated replies from 1 ,108 responders , which was delivered across on the general Internet population , including both genders and all age groups in the UAE . The online survey yields a confidence level of 99 with a moulding of delusion of less than 3 (Businessmaktoob .com , 2007Mr . Hussam Barhoush , Arab Advisors research analyst noted in the survey report that the majority of UAE e-commerce users make their earningss through echt mention cards with an 83 .8 e-commerce users reported Following credit cards , 31 .7 of e-commerce users reported using bank account transfers for their payments (Businessmaktoob .com , 2007The survey questionnaire was composed of two main sections Telecommunications and InternetTelecommunicationsCellular subscriptions3G Cellular servicesInternetInternet usage trendsInternet subscriptionInternet usageHYPERLINK http /business .maktoob .com /Report-668-UAE_Internet_users_sp ent_over_US_1_15_billion_in_B2C_e_commerce_over_the_past_12_months .aspx t _new Internet access methods and costsInternet user s sociability on the InternetE-commerceE-Banking and E-Government servicesUAE Market AnalysisIssues and ChallengesGiven the personality of the Arab world , what are its predominant features that may pose as some challenges in the eye of a marketing manager These may be in the form of environmental issues or political restrictions . Some areas of concern may be as followsConservative genius of the globe , especially with regard to its preponderant Islam religionSustainability of the rapidly growing economyOpenness of the society to change and diversification of lifestyle and product offeringsPolitical and security dilemmas andReadiness to scotch itself to a multi-cultural societyThese are just to name a few of the presidency issues and challenges in UAE that should be taken into consideration when communication or speaking with the Arabian community . With the threats or circumstances to be dealt with , it is also necessary to poise it off with a set of opportunities for growth and developmentOpportunitiesGrowing economy and high level of FDIKeen interest of the human beings for educationRecognition of the government of Non-Muslim religionsHigh usage pattern of e-commerce in the societyBooming real estate industryGrowing demand on the healthcare systemKey Customer SegmentsWhen identifying the high-yield customer segments in the UAE , the equivalent or corresponding market positioning should also be determined . In so doing , the appropriate marketing strategies will be carried out and implemented accordinglyYouthSkilled professionalsThe exceedingly-mobile female individualsSmall but affluent family householdsThe business-savvy individualsMarketing Ethics in UAEThe working morals in any given society remains to be a major priority in any form of legal proceeding or dialogues . It displays mutual respect and understanding of all parties involved for establishing trust and confidenceIn the UAE , ethical dialog practices are deemed extremely significant and are bases for credibility in the industry . When undergoing business ventures based partnerships , the main criterion lies on one s reputation and past behaviors towards other business dealingsThis form of relationship marketing is highly respected in the UAE especially when pertaining to B-B undertakings . It should also be given some attention as to what is the validity of UAE s ethical considerations versus the universal applications , for what is true in a given society may not always be correct for the rest of the worldUAE s prevailing emphasis on trust as natural covert and final is to be regarded as an established practice in the Arab region , more so if you are a foreigner in their land . This trust-based trade has proven to be the most effective and efficient negotiation process in the region It serves as the backbone of the majority of their trade dealings and contracts . In addition , it is the most powerful factor in web building and rapport sweetener . Should you be black-listed in the trade or non-trade sector , it may take a while for you to recover given the humans s high inclination to one s reputation . Finally , work ethics is also seen as an investment - of time , effort , research resources , manpower and infrastructure . It is not solely based on monetary terms , but on the relationship that will build empires and the like Research MethodologyThe adaptation of a research study entails evaluating the future(a) components , as followsSample characteristicsMethod of Hypothesis TestingContents of the QuestionnaireSize or number of respondersIn the process of the marketing research , what are the facets of the key market segments that should be discussed or tapped intomacro environmental dimensionattitudinal dimensionlifestyle dimensionTo palingenesis , our main objective is to determine which communication channel will work best in the UAE given the market pro , trends , issues challenges and nature spending behaviours . In this study , we will be assessing various types of communication channel or media , including traditional mass media like television , mail and communicate , as well as new digital media . sign comparisons such as the pursual will serve to measure the relevance of the studyTo compare legion(predicate) a(prenominal) old and new media channels in terms of a range of attributes suchas embraced reliability , trustworthiness and convenienceTo compare the relative effectiveness of various communication channels in termsof how a marketing scheme is evaluated by a recipient . That is , are some channelsbetter than others at acquiring communication recipients to consider wonder or actupon a promotional offer ? Are some channels more appropriate depending on the typeof promotionPrevious studies are limited in that they look at just communication recipients inconsumer markets . By contrast we also reviewed the senders of marketingcommunications , with a view to examining any differences between how sendersthink recipients perceive each channel and what recipients actually perceive . Westudy senders and receivers in both consumer and business markets (Danaher , 2006From this study , we have separated the issues pertaining to customer from business segments . Respondents gathered were calciferol pax sampling size - 250 from consumer segments and another 250 from the business sector Pros were determined , interests , field of work , consumer behaviour and spending patterns , twin the sphere of influence involved in the purchasing process Customer SegmentsMarketing communications are delivered both to consumers in their homes andbusiness people in their workplace . The media choice for the consumer and businesssegments is often very unlike , with broadcast media being more commonly used forconsumers and print media more relatively popular for business people for exampleMedia involve StudiedThe choice of media channels has long been an issue in media preparedness (Rust 1986Rossiter and Danaher 1998 . Renewed interest in media selection has been precipitated by the net income and mobile phones . There are numerous ways for marketing communications to be delivered , ranging from word-of-mouth , to television to postal mail . In this study we restrict ourselves to 3 main media channels , discussed below , that comprise the bulk of marketing communication activity and expenditure : telephone netmail and television . Finally , one channel was randomly selected , which were an unaddressed letter - to the Householder - in the mail , an unaddressed catalog or brochure in the mail , a SMS text message , a wireless , news or mag advertisement and a direct solicitation . Business receivers required slight changes to the wording of some channels to reflect the different environment (Rust 1986 Rossiter and Danaher 1998Target PopulationThis study have restricted the coverage to a population that is recognizable with the internet and mobile phones . Hence , respondents recruited by telephone wereinitially screened to ensure they were at least 18 years of age , had daily access to the internet and had a mobile phoneChannel AttributesIn our everyday lives we are open to umteen advertising messages , most of whichare not relevant to us . However , some messages are easier to dismiss because of theirdelivery channel . Therefore , it is necessary to describe and compare media channels in terms of a range of attributes . The soft phase of our study revealed many channel attributes , which we capture with a final list of attributes which include trustworthinessconvenience , information-rich material and reliablenessSenders versus ReceiversIn the study , the communication chain is further looked into . It is important to also capture the survey of the sender which often offers some potentially rich information . What is of most interest to us is to seek out differences between the way receivers perceive each communication channel and what the senders of such communications think receivers perceive about each channel . Senders also use their develop from previous campaigns when making assessments about channel attributes , as was unpatterned in the qualitative researchDemographic elementsSince there is differing familiarity of the communication channels among people , it ispossible that the outcome evaluations depend on the demographic status of the respondent . For the consumer segment such as the one abovementioned in the UAE , the demographic variables are age , gender employment status , personal income , education , household structure length of time at current address and internet usageFor the business s
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